The company

COMME JE L’ENTENDS, LES PRODUCTIONS (As I hear it, the productions)




For 10 years, the company Comme je l’entends, les productions has dedicated itself to creating original and highly inventive musical and stage performances. Always surprising, its productions take on very different forms, but are each inspired by one primary concern: music and hearing. Thus, listeners are by turns interrogated, enveloped, guided and moved. According to the powerful idea that music must be heard, requiring at least one ear, to exist.

The company Comme je l’entends, les productions works in the frame of contemporary musical and scenic creation. It dedicates itself to the invention of new concertante forms and new relations to the audience. Its writing work surrounds all the sensitive fields. Space, light, material, body, image and word are perceived as extensions of musical phenomenon and are composed in the same way that the sounds are. Its productions regurarly interrogate the audience’s place, by alternating small and intimate forms, immersive installations, spectacular spaces, arising appearance in the everyday life, inscriptions in nature… Its methodology offers new relations to audiences, beyond cultural action : involvement of people, collection, participative projects.

Using a musical skill system – classical writing, electroacoustic creation, instrumental improvisation and technological development, the company also defends absolut exploring and live testing time thus stimulate exchange and musical coproduction between composer and performer.

The company build thus a singular musical language over the works which takes inpiration as much in the knowledgeable legacy as in the vitality of popular music.

The concept of the listening dramaturgy is the most important in this language which conceives every new work as an independent form, narrative or abstract, of enough duration and impact so that its listening will be an experience to live.

Paying attention to the number of performances and to the exploitation duration of the works, revealing skills in developing them in various versions, the company claim the constitution of a latter-day repertory, assurance of a meeting with a diversified and large audience as well as a continuous adjustment of the artistic quality.


Comme je l’entends, les productions – Siret n° 79114985900047,  APE 9001Z,  licences n° 2 / 1065015 et n° 3 / 1065016.

Board :  Mr. Jean-Marc Diebold ( Honorary President), Mrs. Sarah Olaya (President), Mr. Olivier Corchia (Treasurer), Mr. Lucas Tavel (Secretary).
Comme je l’entends, les productions is subsidized by French Ministry of Culture (Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur). Support : Région Sud Provence-Alpes- Côte d’Azur, Ville de Marseille, Département des Bouches-du-Rhône, SACD and Sacem.


Comme je l’entends, les productions is a member of Profedim trade union and of Futurs composés national network for musical creation.



Comme je l’entends, les productions – 1 rue Montgrand – F-13006 Marseille – France
Production director | Margaux Blachere | +33 6 81 07 17 38 | production[at]
Communication and public relations | Adélaïde Ponsignon | +33 6 12 37 23 08 | communication[at]