Marelle / que les corps modulent !

a danced musical work, by children

CREATION on 24 September 2022 at POLE-SUD CDCN during the Musica Festival, Strasbourg

with twelve children from the neighbourhood of the performance, rehearsing for the project in workshops
concept and composition Benjamin Dupé | movement / choreography Étienne Fanteguzzi (Grand Est region), Balkis Moutashar (Sud – PACA region), Marine Colard (Bourgogne region and Normandy region), and some more…
assistant director and stage managers Vérane Kauffmann (Grand Est and Sud – PACA regions), Alexis Masuyer (Bourgogne Franche-Comté region), Maialen Imirizaldu (Normandy region)
set design and instrumental devices Olivier Thomas, Benjamin Dupé | lighting design Christophe Forey | sound Julien Frénois | production, diffusion Marine Termes | communication Adélaïde Ponsignon


Marelle / may bodies modulate! is a proposition in which the children become both the ballet dancers and the musicians of the project. They are as much the performers as they are the orchestra that interprets the score. This concept is based on a design in which each movement triggers the production of a sound, like a musical hopscotch (“marelle”). This design, which is at once scenic, instrumental and technological, also has acoustic, plastic and poetic implications. It is an orchestra of objects and materials, the manipulation of which implies a strong physical and gestural dimension. The space is thus envisaged as a “luthier’s workshop under construction”, transformed and inhabited by energetic and playful children who listen to the sounds they produce and to the sounds produced by others. The production takes the form of a danced concert. An abstract artistic gesture, free of narration, but full of interaction, fantasy and of the joy of play. A moment in which listening to music and listening to the sound of the body become one, in which instrumental technique and choreographic intention become inseparable. Marelle / may bodies modulate! is redesigned each time. The project was conceived as being of an open format, meaning it can be divided into its component parts and adapted to the spaces in which it is performed. It thus aims to capitalise on the strengths offered by each environment.


Production : Comme je l’entends, les productions | Coproduction : théâtre de Caen, Opéra de Dijon, Pôle Arts de la Scène / Friche La Belle de Mai, Festival Musica Strasbourg, Théâtre Massalia Marseille, POLE-SUD CDCN Strasbourg, KLAP Maison pour la danse Marseille, Le Dancing-CDCN Dijon Bourgogne Franche-Comté, Festival Tous en sons ! Marseille-Aix Région Sud | Avec le soutien : de la Fondation de France, du Dicréam, de la Sacem, de la Ville de Marseille, de la Maison de la Musique Contemporaine, du Département des Bouches-du-Rhône / Centre départemental de créations en résidence, de Lieux Publics centre national et pôle européen de création pour l’espace public, de la Fondation Camargo (Cassis), du gmem-cncm-Marseille.

© Christophe Raynaud De Lage
> download the press review (french only)

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© Christophe Raynaud De Lage